Kathrin Giehl’s primary research focus is to advance the understanding of underlying neural mechanisms involved in Parkinson’s disease. She is particularly interested in elucidating mechanism responsible for distinct cognitive impairments, which are frequently observed in this patient cohort, and to investigate the effects of cognitive training on a neural and behavioral level in order to ameliorate these difficulties. For her research, she utilizes behavioral paradigms and various neuroimaging methods, such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). In addition, she organizes and coordinates a broad range of investigator-initiated and industry-sponsored trials with a focus on neuroimaging and neurodegenerative disorders, especially Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.
Giehl K, Ophey A, Hammes J, Rehberg S, Lichtenstein T, Reker P, Eggers C, Kalbe E & van Eimeren T. Working memory training increases neural efficiency in Parkinson’s disease: a randomized-controlled trial, Brain Communications, 2020.
Ophey A, Giehl K, Rehberg S, Eggers C, Reker P, van Eimeren T & Kalbe E. Effects of working memory training in patients with Parkinson’s disease without cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial. Parkinsonism & related disorders. 2020 Feb 11.
Giehl K, Ophey A, Reker P, Rehberg S, Hammes J, Barbe MT, Zokaei N, Eggers C, Husain M, Kalbe E, van Eimeren T. Effects of Home-Based Working Memory Training on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory in Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Central Nervous System Disease. 2020 Jan; 12:1179573519899469.
Hammes J, Theis H, Giehl K, Hoenig MC, Greuel A, Tittgemeyer M, Timmermann L, Fink GR, Drzezga A, Eggers C, van Eimeren T. Dopamine metabolism of the nucleus accumbens and fronto-striatal connectivity modulate impulse control. Brain. 2019 Mar 1;142(3):733-43.
Giehl K, Tahmasian M, Eickhoff SB, van Eimeren T. Imaging executive functions in Parkinson’s disease: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Parkinsonism & related disorders. 2019 Feb 20.
Baumann A, Nebel A, Granert O, Giehl K, Wolff S, Schmidt W, Baasch C, Schmidt G, Witt K, Deuschl G, Hartwigsen G. Neural Correlates of Hypokinetic Dysarthria and Mechanisms of Effective Voice Treatment in Parkinson Disease. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. 2018 Dec;32(12):1055-66.
Chong TT, Apps MA, Giehl K, Hall S, Clifton CH, Husain M. Computational modelling reveals distinct patterns of cognitive and physical motivation in elite athletes. Scientific reports. 2018 Aug 8;8(1):11888.
Tahmasian M, Eickhoff SB, Giehl K, Schwartz F, Herz DM, Drzezga A, van Eimeren T, Laird AR, Fox PT, Khazaie H, Zarei M. Resting-state functional reorganization in Parkinson’s disease: an activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Cortex. 2017 Jul 1;92:119-38.
Zokaei N, Giehl K, Sillence A, Neville MJ, Karpe F, Nobre AC, Husain M. Sex and APOE: A memory advantage in male APOE ε4 carriers in midlife. cortex. 2017 Mar 1;88:98-105.
Chong TT, Apps M, Giehl K, Sillence A, Grima LL, Husain M. Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying subjective valuation of effort costs. PLoS biology. 2017 Feb 24;15(2):e1002598.
Hammes J, Bischof GN, Giehl K, Faber J, Drzezga A, Klockgether T, van Eimeren T. Elevated in vivo [18F]‐AV‐1451 uptake in a patient with progressive supranuclear palsy. Movement Disorders. 2017 Jan;32(1):170-1.
Rolinski M, Zokaei N, Baig F, Giehl K, Quinnell T, Zaiwalla Z, Mackay CE, Husain M, Hu MT. Visual short-term memory deficits in REM sleep behaviour disorder mirror those in Parkinson’s disease. Brain. 2015 Nov 18;139(1):47-53.
Curriculum Vitae (download CV as pdf)
Kathrin Giehl, PhD
E-mail: webmaster@mmni.de